Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Class Summary 11.28.12

Yesterday, we continued to divulge further into the topic of slavery, taking a look at the Dred Scott versus Sandford case. I found it surprising how compliant or non-volatile the north quickly became about slavery. I would have thought as more information surfaced, the abolitionists would have been empowered and continued their work, but it appeared that people had become wary and support was waning.

Today, we watched a you tube video from an old movie displaying the debate between Steven Douglass and Abraham Lincoln, as the two were running against one another in the 1858 Illinois election for US Senate. Douglass, a democrat, had developed the idea of popular sovereignty through the Kansas & Nebraska Act. Lincoln, a republican, was against the expansion of slavery. And like the rest of the world at the time, the debate and the election was centered around the issue of slavery.

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